SATURDAY NIGHT FEVER, I got some questions of how to spend a Saturday Night. Feedback is like more than needed here. So lets give a couple of situations, now we're all grown here (hopefully) so some of us are in relationships some of us are working towards that goal some of us are fucking and wanting to be in a relationship but situations will not allow that so i wanna know what you'd do with your typical. I once had a date where the female said she didnt do clubs. And she was sick of house parties, so obviously im thinking okay kick it on the couch maybe pour some wine BAM! shit would go off nice and properly. But then the question comes what is the actuall goal of this date ? Pussy is the sweetest joy, buh what if ur sex drive sucks ?, so the sex thing is a little touchy a little grabby then well depends on what your looking for. Of course some real nigga shit mo sex mo money and we good correct?. I think of it as a Air Plane setting off to the red eye late night , gotta get some things striaght and keep em there. Females its not yo job to move some of this shit lol. If a fucking bear has claws like a wolverine maybe that damn bear needs em for something. Problems start when fucking with shit goes wrong. So im setting the Bar At Happy. Now me imma nice dinner nice movie maybe a lil surprise after and Yezzir ! its all in the way we go about it specially if theres something there. You dont want that something to be the something that can break the stride so its just better to always pay attention. "SO ITS IMPORTANT TO STAY HAPPY AT ALL TIMES NO MATTER WHAT (EASIER SAID THAN DONE)" Plus ladies are always shutting it down everywhere they go for the average it may seem to be alot to handle. (BAD BITCH INC.) but let me knwo whats your plans on a Saturday Night. How Are you guys keeping things fun (mini Golf, Arcades , Fairgrounds, Concerts, Clubs, Etc.)
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