Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Wednesday 17th 2012

[-0-]K   N   O   W  [-0-]  N   O   T   H   I   N   G [-0-]
 "Float" The Louis Vuitton Video Series featuring Yesef Bey (formally known as Mos Def) shown flashing in the ring chanting old Ali quotes. Directed and Designed By Niels Shoe Muelman, the well known artist and graphic Designer from Amsterdam. ( This is the third the video of this series. Ive heard some pushing from reviews for a forth. But you got to Admit My Man Mos looks quite fancy very retro with the all white vanilla suit (french vanilla if you sexy) with just a touch of Louie step in's. The Louis Vuttion Winter Collection comes out soon with a new international Louie Vuitton city guide !! that's monster. ( ---A new Line Of Women's Bags has been realesed from Ms.Reece Mudson, found this line on @i_am_other (pharell and BBC) where she talked about the New Line and also made a bag full of rhinestones. the line shows "urban" women sporting artsy bags of the weirdest shapes. She insures these bags have more compartments than usual and are Mega on Style. Check out ( for more info


SPACE   -    SKA  -   PADES     ON     WINGZ
If your not aware. Red bull has done the impossible...yet again. besides creating a energy drink that makes crank a near imposture to energy red bull managed to hook up with the good folks at NASA. not for a drink but for a dive....from Space.....Felix Baumgartner set the world record three days ago traveling faster than the speed of sound as he jumped from the edge of space. Breaking the sound barrier into the planet earth for a red bull commercial soon to be published (look out for this in the super bowl, Kinda epic unless there gonna jump from the moon or better) Felix told BBC (an off site network) "Let me tell you - when I was standing there on top of the world, you become so humble. You don't think about breaking records anymore, you don't think about gaining scientific data - the only thing that you want is to come back alive." LOL WHO JUST THINKS OF HEY LETS DIVE FROM SPACE !!!! makes me ponder are we loosing our minds with our creativity or challenging our minds on whats creative. I mean what if he releases his parachutes early ? can you imagine ? a 43 year old Professional Skydiver has set his mark upon the world. Stay thirsty my friends

B   O   R   N       R   A   I   S   E   D 
Happy 35th to the guy who seems to make all the girls cry and the guys wonder why the heck! John Mayer turned 35 yesterday (My apologies Kendrick was in town) I just thought i set some time aside and said. Hey Have you ever listened to a John Mayer album ? Its that Compelling. Born&Raised  came out May 22nd 2012 and their is no word on where the guitar superhunk is coming out with another album this year. but was seen with Katie Perry for his birthday so not bad at all Mr.Mayer not bad at all. No word on When Mr. Mayer is coming to the Bay area but expect a sold out crowd and thank god he cut that nasty hair. He was beginning to look like Josh Reddick (Sports reference)

P   O   W    E    R     OF       V    O    I    C   E
Two down one to go for president Barack Obama Vs. Mitt Romney far as debates go. Although Obama didn't get the win he was "supposed" to get (I'm guessing they just want him to reach over and just cream the guy in the face and say "Only in America") Obama had strong points. And then he had weak points and at times seemed to be scared of Mitt Romney's " Nice" personality. now say what you will say and do what you will do here in this situation its your vote. the Obama campaign has taken shots for four years and from Mitt Romney's explanation the republicans are not going to let up. It Must be hard being the president of America, and on top of that being in PEOPLE's Magazines top 50 sexiest celebs. Look i know Obama is a rock star in his older days but would you rather him be a bummer at this point ? we can only hope for any presidential candidate coming in truth is at the bottom line we dont know. Everyone built on broken promises we just want the royal ass screwing to be nice (Not to much to ask for right) but if you are a Mitt Romney fan (apparently the Fox T.v Series "New Girl" (oone of my favs) has made an episode rooting for Mitt Romney almost made me shut the t.v off but i cant stop focusing on if Zooey Deschanel has big breast or not. Honestly guy this is what we are voting for, you shouldn't have to worry about your dads video store being closed down (If Mitt Romney's "tax" plan goes threw you'll definitely see the difference between California and Massachusetts just saying) You should be at your dad's video store saying the same shit in fact you should question if Zooey Deschanel has a cute butt cuz that's what adults do dammit !!! you shouldn't have to explain that ..its that. But just as ADHD as this article ..the choice is yours Here's some highlights form yesterdays Debate.


I'd Like to Dedicate Todays Post to a Very Dear Friend Of Mine....Thanx Katie for the beautiful Memories , for all the advice, and just for the pleasures of knowing you  - Souply
K  A  I  T  E      F  I  S  I

1987 - 2012
With Love

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